
All opinions are my own.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Nano and Paradigm shift

Nano car, when conceived was the joke of the night shows and most of the news broadcasters. Earlier this week reporters wanted to touch and feel “Oh my God” no radio, no air-conditioning and it is a tin can. May be it is. It might be bottom of the rug but it illustrates what is feasible. We have a new point to go forward from.

It is a HUGE paradigm shift not only for the automobile industry but also for every manufacturing industry. Gives 55 miles per gallon and gets you from point A to point B. Yes, it has its deficiencies but still we all talk about it over a drink.

Nano shows us that “Element Human Hu” can do unique things. It can go to point “x” which is out there, beyond our imagination, if we put our mind to it. Is it new iPod of the manufacturing industry? May be.

At the turn of the twentieth century, the four-wheel gasoline buggy fascinated us. Did we ever think in nineteen eighties that we will have laptop that can launch a missile? Most of us will say NO. We have driven film photography to a Technology Museum.

We are now looking at the next generation of adventure. Human creativity is beyond control and Nano is a rendition of possibilities of manufacturing and technology innovation. It should be celebrated. Hats off to the Human element.

Can we do anything? Yes we can!

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